The glass industry has shown a "new weather" in the past two years. It is still in the ascending cycle.

Editor:浙江博瑞斯复合材料有限公司 │ Release Time:2018-11-15 

In the past two years, the glass industry has vigorously promoted structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading. The momentum of new capacity expansion has slowed down markedly, and the pace of transformation and upgrading has begun to accelerate. At the same time, the promotion of real estate demand has brought new impetus to the production and consumption of glass. In addition to the new kinetic energy of the industry itself, financial derivatives tools have also brought positive changes to the development of the glass industry.

In the past two years, the glass industry has shown a new atmosphere in terms of capacity, structural adjustment, stable efficiency and development. Affected by the supply side reform and industry self-discipline, the cycle of the current round of glass market has been lengthened, and it has broken the cycle curse of a good year difference of two years. It is still in the ascending cycle and has been going on for nearly two years.

In the past two years, the glass industry has adhered to innovation drive and vigorously promoted structural adjustment. The momentum of new capacity expansion has slowed down markedly, and the pace of transformation and upgrading has begun to accelerate. In the monthly glass industry conference, the price increase has become the main tone of the conference, and the profit situation of glass companies has also improved significantly.

After the baptism before 2015, the glass industry has ushered in a good market since 2016. In the second half of 2017, we also caught up with the national supply-side reform and strict environmental protection policies, and the glass industry further reduced production capacity, which further improved the industry's profits.

At present, the economic operation of the flat glass industry has stabilized and rebounded, the economic benefits of the industry have increased substantially, and the work of overcapacity has begun to bear fruit.

According to the statistics of China Glass Association, in 1618, a new production line was added in 1618, and the annual production capacity was increased by 3 million heavy boxes; 11 production lines were produced by cold repair, and the annual production capacity was 44.46 million heavy boxes; 6 production lines were produced by cold repair, and the annual production capacity was reduced by 20.4 million heavy boxes. . In the first half of the year, the net increase in annual production capacity was 27.06 million heavy boxes. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the flat glass in July was 71.37 million heavy boxes, a year-on-year decrease of 0.70%. In the whole month, the cumulative production of flat glass in the country was about 344.97 million boxes, down 1.3% year-on-year.

Under the premise that the total amount is gradually controlled, more capacity increase and decrease is regulated by production line shutdown and resumption of production. At the same time, the occurrence of some important events has also affected the concentration adjustment and change of production capacity in some areas. For example, in 2015, Jiangsu Huaerrun will stop production in 5 lines in a short period of time and 9 lines of production stoppage in Shahe District of Hebei in 2017. The rapid changes in production capacity in the region have not only changed the balance of supply and demand in the region, but also provided sales channels for the surplus capacity in the surrounding markets. Under the influence of the de-capacity trend, the glass industry has entered a window of overall transformation. The benign increase in demand in the terminal market has also directly contributed to the improvement of the glass industry situation in the past two years.

It is understood that in 2016, especially in the second half of 2016, China's real estate market has maintained a relatively strong momentum, which also brought new impetus to the production and consumption of glass. Since the second half of 2016, due to the increase in demand in the real estate market, the price of glass spot has also increased significantly, and the efficiency of the glass industry has improved to some extent. In 2017, the flat glass industry revenue was 75.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%, and the profit was 9.3 billion yuan, an increase of 81% year-on-year. It is a good level in the past 10 years. The data shows that the number of processed glass statistics in the first quarter of 2018 was 3,400, and the sales volume increased by 17.83% compared with last year. From the point of view of the order price, the ring has increased in the fourth quarter of last year, and the order price has increased by 16.73%.